WARTAKOTALIVE.COM – Volunteer Ganjar Pranowo who is a member of Srikandi Ganjar South Sumatra holds eyelash extension training for millennial women.

It is known that the eyelash extension training activity for millennial women took place in Palembang, South Sumatra.

Srikandi Ganjar Regional Coordinator for South Sumatra, Nur Indah Haryani, said that this activity represents the figure of presidential candidate (Capres) Ganjar Pranowo who cares about millennial women.

“Today we are holding an eyelash extension class where participants are taught how to use it and what is needed.”

“This activity was motivated by Mr. Ganjar who cares about women, so the aim of this activity is so that women can be independent by starting a business,” said Indah, at No Limit Cafe, Palembang, South Sumatra, Friday (4/8/2023).

Indah admitted that the enthusiasm of the participants who took part in the activity was very high.

This is proven by the many interactions between participants and the speakers presented.

“By the active participation of the participants, this shows that they also provide support to Pak Ganjar. We hope that after this activity they will be able to get to know the figure of our presidential candidate better,” he said.

In the future, Indah emphasized that she will continue to hold useful activities while socializing the figure of Ganjar Pranowo so that she gets votes from women.

“We will continue to carry out outreach and activities that are beneficial for women,” he continued.

One participant, Nella Mawarni, assessed that the training held by Srikandi Ganjar, South Sumatra, was useful in adding new skills.

“Those of us who took part today know how to apply eyelash extensions, so we can gain new insight into starting a business too,” said Nella.

Nella also expressed her support for Ganjar to become President in 2024.

Because, according to him, Ganjar Pranowo is very close to millennials and can make Indonesia even better.